My First Shiny App – Visualizations of Pokemon

For this Shiny project, I tried to visualize when the strongest Pokemons occur, where they occur and what gender these Pokemons are. So I tried to visualize in what weather conditions someone is most likely to find Pokemons with high cp values and high levels. Based on my shiny App, users can figure out the best weather to hunt, and where to hunt. I also included a least squares line for users to help them make comparisons between the pokemon’s strength based on a certain weather condition. I also included a histogram that shows users at what time of the day people are most likely to hunt pokemon. Based on this information, users can pick times where people are less likely to hunt for pokemon in order to be more successful in catching pokemon. Lastly, I also created word clouds of pokemon tweets from the city Chicago, Toronto, and Vancouver. Through these word clouds, people can see which pokemon are most prevalent in certain cities.